The international conference on “Migrants’ Mobilities, (Post)Colonial Borders, and State Policies in Morocco and the Mediterranean Region” at the Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah de Fès in Morocco, co-organized by our PRIN project on “Legal Pathways for Refugees in the Euro-Mediterranean Context”, was incredibly successful.
Mario Savino (University of Tuscia, PI of the PRIN project), Antonio Morone (Coordinator of the Pavia Unit), Chiara Pagano (University of Graz), Federica Ferrero (University of Pavia), and Giuseppe Terranova (University of Tuscia) were among the ADiM scholars who had the opportunity to participate as a speakers to the event.
Special thanks to Dean Mohamed Moubtassime, the PhD Program Coordinator Khalid Bekkaoui, and all the other Maghreb and European colleagues involved for the excellent scientific exchange and warm hospitality.
We trust this marks the beginning of a fruitful collaboration on migration studies in the Euro-Mediterranean region!