‘General situation of violence’ and lack of due diligence pending detention: a step towards a total ban of transfers to China?

European Court of Human Rights, Judgment of 6 October 2022, Liu v. Poland,
Appl. no. 37610/18


The present judgement acknowledges the breach of Articles 3 and 5 ECHR vis-à-vis an applicant facing extradition proceedings in Poland. From its wording, it can be inferred that a general situation of violence is deemed to exist in China and that individuals can face a risk of torture of ill-treatment should they be transferred to that country. Also, the ECtHR takes the opportunity to uphold its settled case-law on the ‘due diligence’ that is required of national authorities aiming at detaining individuals for the purpose of extradition.

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Postdoctoral Researcher in Criminal Law - University of Luxembourg. PhD in Global Studies presso l'Università degli Studi di Urbino «Carlo Bo». È Cultore della materia di Diritto processuale penale presso la medesima università, dove si è laureato nel dicembre 2017. Ha svolto per 18 mesi un tirocinio ex art. 73 D.L. 69/2013 negli uffici della Procura della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Pesaro, ove è stato seguito, nello svolgimento delle attività formative, dal Sostituto Procuratore dott.ssa Silvia Cecchi.

Interessi di ricerca: detenzione amministrativa degli stranieri nel diritto UE e CEDU e protezione dei diritti fondamentali - mutuo riconoscimento delle decisioni di sequestro e confisca - diritto processuale penale europeo

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She is a PhD candidate in European Law at the University of Luxembourg where she works as a researcher for the Doctoral Training Unit on Enforcement in Multi-Level Regulatory Systems (DTU REMS II ), as well as at the University of Bologna School of Law (cotutelle de thèse). Her PhD research focuses on the legal remedies and the effectiveness of law enforcement tools related to migration control at the EU’s external borders. And she is mainly interested in issues related to the effectiveness of EU law, the development of EU operational action and the interference of legal orders. She graduated in Law from the University of Trento, holds an LLM in EU Law from University Paris II Panthéon Assas and she is qualified to practice as a lawyer to the Italian Bar.