European migration policies have changed considerably in recent times, and the doors of many EU Countries are now willingly opened only to “talented” immigrants. On 7 October 2021, the Council finally adopted the new rules for the entry and residence of highly skilled workers from outside the EU under the revised Blue Card Directive. The new rules aim at introducing more flexible admission conditions, enhancing rights and the possibility to move and work more easily between EU Member States. After giving a brief legal framework of the text adopted, the paper deals with a first analysis of the new scheme and the old unresolved issues, especially under the lens of the impact on EU migration policies.
Mariateresa Veltri (1988) is lawyer and immigration law expert at University of Pisa. Currently she is one of the coordinators of the Young Researchers Lab of ADiM, where she is also in charge of providing scientific support and enhancing the internationalisation process of the Academy. She is also part of the team of the IntoME (Integration of Migrants in Europe) Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Project within Tuscia University. She has been worked for two years as researcher assistant at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Dirpolis Institute, where she was involved in two European projects: the MARS (Migration Asylum and Rights of Minors) project and the FAIR-PLUS (Fostering Access to Immigrant’s Rights –Practical Training for Lawyers and Judges) project. She has also been collaborating with Defence for Children International and the Ministry of Justice where she is involved in the CREW EU project. She graduated cum laude in Law at Roma Tre University (2012), where she obtained her Doctorate in public law (2018). She has been research assistant at Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro and Faculdade de Direito de Vitὸria (Brasil), fellow student at Seton Hall University (NJ, USA) and visiting fellow at Erik Castrén Institute of Helsinki. Her research interests include immigration and asylum law, children’s rights, citizenship rights, non-discrimination principle and EU external policies.